What is LED light?
LED stands for “light emitting diode.” A diode is an electrical component with two terminals which conduct the electricity in only one direction. With an electrical current, the diode emits a bright light around the small bulb.
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Why consider LED for your barn?
1. Energy Efficiency
The lumens per watt for LED lighting is far superior to most fixtures. One of the largest benefits to LED is reduced hydro draw and leaving more money in your pockets. As a result governments incentives are offered through programs to farmers and businesses for those who capitalize on these savings.
LED is one of most the efficient ways of illuminating and lighting when compared to traditional lighting and conventional light bulbs, with an estimated energy efficiency of 80% – 90%. This means that about 80% – 90% of the electrical energy is converted to light, while the balance of 10% – 20% being lost and converted into other forms of energy such as heat. With traditional incandescent light bulbs who operate at 20% energy efficiency only, with 80% of the electricity being lost as heat.
2. Long Life
Long life time stands out as a top benefit of LED lights. LED bulbs and diodes have an outstanding operational life time expectation of around 100,000 hours. If you operate the LED fixture for an 16 -18 hour day in the dairy barn as Long Day Lighting suggests, this fixture will last 16+ years! LED’s are different to standard lighting: They don’t really burn out and stop working like a standard light. Rather the lighting diodes emit lower output levels over a very long period of time and become less bright. The life expectancy of 100,000 hours is based on L70 – meaning the lamps will depreciate up to 30% through it’s rated life. Therefore an LED lamp should be outputting 70% of the it’s rated lumens when it reaches it’s rated life span.
3. Ecologically Friendly
LED lights are free of toxic chemicals. Most conventional fluorescent lighting bulbs contain a multitude of materials like mercury that are dangerous for the environment. LED lights contain no toxic materials and are 100% recyclable. They will help you to reduce your carbon footprint up to a third. The long operational life mentioned above means that one LED light bulb can save material, production and disposal of 25 incandescent light bulbs. Additionally LED illumination produces little infrared light and close to no UV emissions. A big step towards a greener future!
4. Durable Quality
LEDs are extremely durable and built with sturdy components and can withstand even the roughest conditions. Because LED lights are resistant to shock, vibrations and external impacts, they make great lighting for barn environments.
5. Design Flexibility
LEDs can be combined in any shape to produce highly efficient illumination. Individual LEDs can be dimmed, resulting in a dynamic control of light, color and distribution. Well-designed LED illumination systems can achieve fantastic lighting effects, not only for the eye but also for the mood and the mind.
6. Operation in Extremely Cold or Hot Temperatures
LEDs are ideal for operation under cold and low outdoor temperatures. For fluorescent lamps, low temperatures may affect operation and present a challenge, but LED illumination operates well in cold settings, such as the barn.
7. Light Dispersement
LEDs are designed to focus their light to a specific location without the use of an external reflector. This achieves a higher application efficiency than conventional lighting. The lumens of light output are directed downward in the direction desired and are able to deliver light more efficiently to the desired location. The directional nature of the LEDs is suited for creating different light zones within a barn environment – particularly if not physically divided (such as a group of lactating cows and dry cows).
8. Instant Lighting & Frequent Switching
LED lights brighten up immediately. Also, LED lights can be switched off and on frequently and without affecting the LED’s lifetime or light emission. In contrast, traditional lighting may take several seconds to reach full brightness, and frequent on/off switching does drastically reduce operational life expectancy.
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